Category ‘2009’

September 6th
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Ben and I spent about 3 days exploring Provence, France.  Our rental car was great for driving through the countryside and visiting small towns (but a bit stressful driving and parking in the cities).  We stayed 2 nights in Arles, and one night further north in the Cote du Rhone area.  If I were doing it over, I’d spend more time exploring the Cote du Rhone hill towns, they’re beautiful.

Here’s some of the highlights from Southern France… (more…)

September 5th
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We rented a car for 4 days for a road trip through southern France from Perpignan to Annecy.  The region is filled with Roman ruins, medieval castles, and endless fields of grape vines.  It is also where Van Gogh made his most famous paintings.

View Drive in Southern France in a larger map

September 3rd
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Ben briefly mentioned Carcassonne in a previous post… but since then we took a few more photos that I wanted to share.

Carcassonne is really quite the sight.  It’s a fairy tale medieval castle in real life.   The walled city is huge and it’s always open so you can walk around and get lost on the tiny cobblestone streets.  We really enjoyed it, and I think kids would love it too.  However, (more…)

September 2nd
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Before our current road trip through Southern France we spent a few days in Barcelona recuperating from the gotta-see-it-all site seeing we had done in Paris and visiting Alonna’s college friend Julien.


Ben and Alonna somewhere in Barcelona


August 31st
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The next phase of our European adventure is a road trip through southern France.  We started today by taking a train from Barcelona to Perpignan, France.  We had concocted a scheme to save €35 by renting our car on the outskirts of Perpignan instead of at the train station.  This resulted in a spectactular misadventure not unlike you might see on The Amazing Race – we took a bus with no idea of where to get off, we walked around an industrial district loaded down with our overstuffed backpacks and attempted to converse with people using our limited French (consisting mostly of “Parle vous Engles?” – the answer is always no – and words like “rendezvous”, “reconnaissance”, and “raconteur”), and eventually (more…)

August 29th
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At night the Eiffel Tower twinkles every hour for 5 minutes.  Check out this video I took:

That same night, I decided to take a photo of a person with the Eiffel Tower.  So I turned on my small Canon Point & Shoot camera, and guess what icon it has for night portraits?  (more…)

August 28th
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One of our days in Paris included a side trip to Versailles, the grand palace built by Louis XIV and also later inhabited by the famous Marie-Antoinette.  This place is huge and immaculate.  You might be able to imagine what the palace would look like – rich and lavish and gaudy.  But you could never imagine the size of the gardens unless you see it yourself.  There are statues and flowers and fountains and manicured trees and hedges and lakes and an enormous canal.  And then, away from that palace, (more…)

August 25th
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I really love Paris!  This city is just so pretty.  There’s not really any better way to describe it, it’s just really really pretty.

Our first day here was awesome.  We got up early and headed straight for the Eiffel Tower.  It is so cool to see in person.  I thought it might be one of those places that you expect to be amazing but when you see it it’s disappointing.  It wasn’t one of those places.  We rode the elevators all the way to the top.


August 25th
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One of the less endearing aspects of Bruges was the tourist carriage rides.  They come flying down the narrow roads and alleys, CLIPPITY-CLOPPETY-CLIPPITY-CLOPPETY, and you have to dive out of the way — onto sidewalks that are already crowded — to avoid being run over by a big, sweaty, smelly beast.  My advice: if you want the quaint experience of getting around the way people used to hundreds of years ago, try walking.

Eventually, we started to wonder, all these horses – and there are a LOT of these horses and carriages running around Bruges – but no horse crap.  How’s that work?  We figured they must use horse diapers.

What will they think of next?

What will they think of next?

But it turns out the answer is a clever device, a sort of crap-catcher.  They attach it to the rear of the animal and it collects the payload in a little pouch at the bottom.  Must be fun to empty that at the end of the day.

Still, a clever invention.  Unlike a horse diaper, it’s hard to spot.

August 24th
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We spent one night and most of two days in Bruges, Belgium.  Unfortunately, we chose the WRONG time to go – it was a Saturday and Sunday and completely overrun with tourists.  The main streets were packed and it just wasn’t very pleasant.  However, we found the town totally adorable, and just one or two streets off the main drag was empty and completely charming.  (more…)
