September 24th
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Unfortunately, moving on in life means leaving something behind. Here’s a few things that Ben and I will miss the most about Idaho:

Goodbye Boise, we'll miss you

Goodbye Boise, we'll miss you

Thursday Night Mountain Biking
For 7 years we’ve been mountain biking on Thursday nights with a fun group of friends, usually followed by pizza and beer.  Thursday night will never be the same again…

HP Lunch Volleyball
Summer at HP means volleyball! During lunch I ducked out of work to play sand and grass volleyball.  Any volleyball skills I may have, I owe to these guys.  They’re awesome players and friends, and I will never forget them.

Friends and Coworkers
Ben and I have gotten to know a lot of really great people here in Boise.  The hardest part of saying goodbye is knowing that we’re losing the potential of spending more time with them.  To all of our friends and coworkers – we will miss you!

Alonna’s Soccer Team
I’ve had a blast playing on a women’s soccer team in Boise.  Anything we lack in skills we’ve more than made up for by running our butts off and never giving up. Go Bombers!

Ridges to Rivers trail system
They just keep getting better – the hiking and biking trails in the Boise foothills are awesome.  I don’t think we’ll have any trouble finding great mountain biking in Colorado, but having nice trails within biking distance of our house is a huge benefit of living here.

Beautiful Stanley

Beautiful Stanley

Stanley, Idaho
Idaho has it’s share of gorgeous scenery, and our favorite by far is the Sawtooth Mountains.  Stanley is a small quiet town with beautiful views and home of the famous Fisher-Williams epic bike trail.

Boise Greenbelt
Our house is within walking distance of a 25-mile long paved path along the Boise River, called the greenbelt.  It’s perfect for jogging, walking, or biking through town.

Society of Women Engineers – Southwest Idaho Section
I’ve been lucky to work with a group of women engineers dedicated to encouraging girls to pursue math and science careers.  I’ve learned a lot by being a part of this group and made some great friends along the way.  Keep it up ladies!

Living 5 Minutes from the Airport
I don’t think this concept exists in Colorado.

Clear skies and long summer days
Boise weather is perfect – it’s almost always sunny and clear, with dry desert heat.  Also, being situated on the edge of Mountain Time Zone, Boise gets sunlight well past 9pm in the summer.

Off to our Next Adventure

Off to our Next Adventure

1 Comment

  1. mom A.

    Nice post. I don’t know what to say ~ it’s sad you are leaving all that behind and Boise has a lot to offer, but…..I’m so excited your going to be closer to us!!!