October 22nd
written by

I’ve been dreading this blog, and I sort of have a rule that I don’t bother with things that I don’t feel like doing (unless it’s necessary). But today, a moment of inspiration hit me so I thought I better quick get this posted before it’s gone.

Summary: Life is great, we love Colorado, please come visit us 🙂

The easiest way to write a blog post is to fill it entirely with photos. So, here’s a photo for each month we’ve been here.

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  1. mom albertus

    Great idea ~ I like those pictures! Looks like a very good year 🙂

  2. 10/24/2011

    jajajaja, Love who you were able to sum up a year in 12 photos! Nice!!! Hey it’s better then nothing and I for one am glad you made an update finally. I can’t say much bc last year I went offline for 10 months…. it happens but glad to see you guys are doing well!