July 6th
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After returning from Europe last November, I created some photo collages from our trip using Ben’s awesome home-made program. With another 9,000 photos taken on our Round-the-World trip, I created a few more. Here’s three that turned out well…

Sphinx – Giza, Egypt

The Great Sphinx in Egypt Photo Mosaic created by Ben's program

Elephant – Kruger National Park, South Africa

Elephant in South Africa Photo Mosaic created by Ben's program

Opera House – Sydney, Australia

This one is a little different – the first two are similar to typical mosaics, but this one heavily overlaps and rotates photos.
Sydney Opera House in Australia Photo collage created by Ben's program


  1. Aarti Kumar


  2. Clay

    (non website related) Hope this is okay! =D

    I’m still listening to that awesome unique mix of cd’s you gave me. It was a hole bunch of cd’s on a disc in mp3 format. Right now I’m listening to The Strokes “Room of Fire” album. Also I’m reading the third Dune Chronicles book that Ben introduced me to and I am very much enjoying them.

  3. Clay

    I really like how you have the collage photos set up here. It works great for me to view them the way I want to.