July 6th
After returning from Europe last November, I created some photo collages from our trip using Ben’s awesome home-made program. With another 9,000 photos taken on our Round-the-World trip, I created a few more. Here’s three that turned out well…
Sphinx – Giza, Egypt
Elephant – Kruger National Park, South Africa
Opera House – Sydney, Australia
This one is a little different – the first two are similar to typical mosaics, but this one heavily overlaps and rotates photos.
(non website related) Hope this is okay! =D
I’m still listening to that awesome unique mix of cd’s you gave me. It was a hole bunch of cd’s on a disc in mp3 format. Right now I’m listening to The Strokes “Room of Fire” album. Also I’m reading the third Dune Chronicles book that Ben introduced me to and I am very much enjoying them.
I really like how you have the collage photos set up here. It works great for me to view them the way I want to.