September 28th
written by

Apparently so…

Here’s the location

Found it in the valley between Squaw Creek trail and Cobb trail.  I didn’t roll around in it though, maybe it’s just poinsettia.

I brought my kite/camera gear along too, mostly just to see how hard it is to bring the whole setup on a challenging bike ride, in preparation for trying the same thing in more interesting out-of-the way places.  The kite stayed up just long enough for me to attach the camera and then floated back to earth.  It was too hazy for good pictures anyway.


  1. Mom Albertus

    So where on your body did you get poisen ivy? and have you gotten rid of it yet? We need and want more details.

  2. 10/08/2008

    Fortunately I didn’t actually get a poison ivy rash, I just spotted the plant.